不干胶贴标机原理特点 |
添加时间:2020/1/15 13:49:12 浏览次数: |
不干胶贴标机原理特点 Principle and characteristics of sticker A、适用范围广:既能实现方瓶/扁瓶(满瓶状态)的侧面(平面)单张贴标/拐角抚标,还能实现圆瓶周向定位单张/双张贴覆功能 A. Wide scope of application: it can not only realize the side (plane) single post / corner touch mark of square bottle / flat bottle (full bottle state), but also realize the circular positioning single / double post and cover function of round bottle B、独特的分料机构,确保与生产线联机使用时的可靠、有效分料 B. Unique material distribution mechanism ensures reliable and effective material distribution when it is used online with the production line C、独特的拐角扶标机构确保方瓶三侧面拐角贴标平整、不起皱 C. Unique corner marker mechanism ensures that the corner labels on three sides of the square bottle are flat and wrinkle free D、既能单机使用,又能与生产线配合使用 D. It can be used on a single machine and in cooperation with the production line |
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