





1. The principle of wiping method: When the front part of the label of the labeling machine is pasted onto the product, the product immediately takes the label away. The advantage of this method is that the labeling speed is fast, and the labeling accuracy depends on the speed of the product through the labeling machine and the speed of the labeling separation. If the speed of the two is the same, the labeling accuracy is high, otherwise, the accuracy of the labeling machine will be affected. Chinese style
2. Principle of the suction method: When the label paper of the labeling machine leaves the conveyor belt and is sucked onto the vacuum pad, the vacuum pad is connected to the end of a mechanical device. When the mechanical device extends to the label and contacts the product, it shrinks back, and the label is attached to the product. The advantages of this method are high precision and suitable for labeling process of highly difficult packaging products. The disadvantages of this method are slow labeling speed and poor labeling quality. A kind of
3. Principle of Blow-and-paste method: It is improved on the basis of suction-and-paste method. The difference is that the surface of the vacuum pad remains immovable. The label is fixed and positioned on a "vacuum grate". The "vacuum grate" is a plane covered with hundreds of small holes. Holes are used to maintain the formation of "air jets". These "air jets" blow out a stream of compressed air. The pressure is very strong, so that the label on the vacuum grate is moved and attached to the product. The advantage of this method is high accuracy and reliability, while the disadvantage is the complexity of the process.


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版权 © 保定市不干胶贴标机厂 网址:http://tiebiaojii.jk56.org  推荐:不干胶贴标机,不干胶自动贴标机,立式不干胶贴标机
